#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 45-48: Build a simple Django app
Lecture: The structure of this 4 day module
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In the course repo you have a folder called 45 to 48 Django Intro. And here in a Read Me, we can see the plan for the coming four days.
Today you're going to watch the first half of the Django videos and you get all the basics to get up and running with Django.
Then day two, you take a short break and really have to practice as soon as possible. You can follow along with my examples
or start building your own app. And here are two co-challenges on our code platform that you can start during tomorrow. Then in day three, more videos
building out app. You will see forms, the admin backend function and class based views templating, static files, and we even
make the app look nice using CSS. There's a lot to cover, but it will give you a nice foundation to build more Django apps of your own.
Then the last day, it's very free form. I mean, you can copy along what I did in the previous days videos.
You can continue the app you started building during day two. The important thing is to practice as much Django as you can during these four days.
The learning is in the practice. And as usual, anything you build please share it out with the 100 #100DaysOfCode and including Python.
Now, let's dive into Django.