#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 41-44: React: JavaScript user interfaces
Lecture: Constructor, componentDidMount, and first render
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Lets start off by writing our constructor. This is familiar from last time when we did the API. It gets the props object
and we have to call the superclass passing on the props. We're also going to set up the state object which I leave empty for now.
Then we're going to define a componentDidMount method which as we saw on day one make sure that whatever we do the component has been fully loaded.
What we're actually going to do here is reset the game which will be a helper. Let me already stub this out resetGame()
Oh, and it's actually an arrow function so, using fat arrow. And one thing I noticed that using arrow function
it's not necessary to do the binding and constructor like we did last time so this saves a little bit of code. So, still some setup
and lets also go to the render and define the structure of our app writing some JSX code. We're going to put everything in a game div.
We will have a title which is the constant we defined Free Monnkey React I will have the state, or the monkey image
depending on the number of guesses we're into the game. I'll call that state and the source will be that lambda thing we had at the top
and we're just going to set that to zero the first image. Then we will have the mask which basically is the word replaced by underscores
and finally we will have a keyboard or 26 letter buttons which we'll write in step three. See if this all renders and there you go the first image.
Of course the mask and keyboard are not there yet so let's write those next.