#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 41-44: React: JavaScript user interfaces
Lecture: Structuring our Free Monkey (hangman) app
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Welcome back to the 100 Days of Code Day three of the React four day lesson. In the coming seven videos, we're going to build a complete
Hangman App from scratch using React. And, it's inspired by a Java game I made a long time ago called Free Monkey, which is a variant of Hangman
where instead of hanging, the monkey gets imprisoned. And, the goal is to, of course, guess the movie and set the monkey free.
But, if after five attempts, you didn't guess it the monkey gets imprisoned and we use different images to be shown in the view as the state changes.
So, as last time, we're going to use to create-react-app bootstrap script so we get everything ready.
So, head over to my terminal into the demo folder. npx create-react-app freemonkey Of course, their going to pull in the dependencies again
because every app we create with this script is independent. Great. Cd to freemonkey. Open a new terminal, where I start the app.
Again, the first time, this takes a little bit. Awesome. So, as last time, we can just start writing code in app.ks.
But, I need a few things more in this case. I prepared a list of movies and a function to randomly get a movie which serves as the word to guess.
So, here's some starter code, which I put in data.js. So, here's the list of movies. And, at the end, I got a function called getRandomMovie
to get a random movie. Oops, this needs to go in sort, of course. And, in app.js, we can import this module. I'm going to skip the logo and import.
getRandomMovie from data.js. And I will soon bounce something to the console to confirm that this works.
The other thing I provided upfront is some customized styling which I'm going to write into index.css. And I'm going to import that here.
We already have body in code and I added some styles which we will see later. Also, right at the box, I define some constants.
So, I got a game title, Free Monkey React long and lost messages the alphabet, which will serve as we make the letter buttons
a place holder, which we will use to hide the letters of the movie to guess the allowed number of guesses, which is five.
This seems a bit like a lambda in Python So, there's actually an arrow function. It gets a number and it returns Javascript's
equivalent of an f-string. So, backticks and the variable is embedded. And, this way, we can, later in the script
just call it like MONKEY_IMG with a number and that yields the different images. So, to show you that depending the attempt the images, they'll change
and I just have them stored on my server. Et cetera. Up until five. And if the movie is actually guessed within the number of allowed attempts
which is five, we get this image. We can just give a number or string and it displays the right image and we will see that later.
So, these are some constants we will use throughout this lesson. Let's verify if the getRandomMovie works. So, I'm going to delete this Bootstrap code
and just make a h1 header and call the getRandomMovie function. I hit save. And this works. Every time I refresh, it shows me another movie.
Now, let's do a bit of planning what's required to make this game work. I'm going to set up some To Do's. To Do one is to define a constructor
and a component did mount lifecycle building method. Step two is to define a method to reset a game because whenever we hit a win or loss
we need to go back to the initial state get a new movie, and reset the number of attempts and go back to the initial Free Monkey image.
We also want to render the state variables at this point. Next, is the creation of a keyboard with letter buttons.
So, each time a user clicks one of the letters it should see if it's part of the movie and update the mask, mask being the underscores.
That will require some helpers. So, we need to match the char and the word or chars and update the state. We will also style the buttons.
So, if the letter clicked or guessed was part of the word, we color the button green. And, if it was not, we color it red. Finally, upon every guess
we need to see if the game ends and it can be a win or a loss. We need win and loss helpers and check state. And, that actually concludes the game.
Six steps. It was quite some code to write. So, in the next video, let's dive straight into the first To Do.