#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 41-44: React: JavaScript user interfaces
Lecture: Using classes and state in React
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In this lesson we're going to talk about classes in React and keeping state. So back to our app, here's where we left it off
before setting up the Django API. And the grid React app already came with an app class setup that extended from component
and component is from the React library. And the starter code only provided a render method. So let's start to keep track of some state
and in particular, three things: an array of all the tips, an array of the tips that will be shown based on a filter
and the filter string that's inputted by the user in the search box. So how do we keep track of state? First I'm going to set up a constructor.
And that's with the function-based component that takes a props object. As we inherit from component first and foremost, we need to go super
and pass the props upstream. Then we're going to initialize this state which is an object or, in Python, you would say dictionary.
And we're going to set the three objects we want to use: orgTips: [], showTips: [], filterStr: '',
So this will hold all the tips as created from the API by Axios and we will do that in the next video. This is our pristine copy, so to say.
And in show tips, we're going to filter the tips that are shown in the UI based on the string that the user types in the search box
which is held in filter string. We're going to define two of my foot stops which we will work on in the next videos.
And one is a standard method that comes with the React lifecycle and it's componentDidMount. And this method runs when the component output
has been rendered to the DOM. And here we're going to call the API using Axios and that's for the next video. Then I define an onFilterChange method
which gets an event. And it's going to filter the org tips into show tips. So the reason I have two arrays
is that show tips will reduce the amount of tips shown as I keep my copy in org tips. To demo this, when this fires
I'm going to log a message to the console onFilterChange called, so you can see when that hits. And I have a helper, filterTips
and you receive the arrow functions in text that takes a filter string and it's going to help filter the tips. Now this is not doing anything yet
because I have to use those methods and variables in the view, and as we've seen before you can use this template-like syntax
and then in variables in tags. So you can reference this state filter string and if this input field changes by the user typing in a string
I will call this onFilterChange and let's see that in action by opening up the console. And I don't need to put quotes here, nor here.
Okay? You see, when I start typing, for every char I type into this input box, onFilterChange is called.
So every time I type anything in this input box char by char, every time it's calling this event handler and it's going to filter the tips
based on my inputs dynamically. So this is not very useful yet because we are missing the real data. So the next video I'm going to use Axios
and the componentDidMount to call the API. One final resource: if you go to the React documentation there's a state and lifecycle page
and it explains what componentDidMount does. This method runs after the component output has been rendered to the DOM.
This is a good place to set up a timer and in our case, it's a good place to call Axios and retrieve data from an API.