#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 41-44: React: JavaScript user interfaces
Lecture: Brushing up some ES6 (modern) JS
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Brush ups on ES6. You should understand at least the basics of JavaScript which you've seen in Day 25.
However, you should go beyond and learn a bit about ES6 because that modern JavaScript syntax is often used in React code.
If you go to your checkout folder, I made an ES6 directory and a couple of examples of modern JavaScript. Let's look at them one by one.
First of all, you want to become familiar with classes in JavaScript. Here I define a simple Bite class
with a constructor that takes a title and points. Where Python uses "self", JavaScript uses "this" and here I just assigned it to variables
and here I used a method str, that returns those variables in a concatenated string. Then I instantiate two Bites with different strings' endpoints
and called str method on both. Let's run this from a commandline using Node. Any arg get the two outputs, especially with the Hangman game
we will be using state in our applications. And for that, React uses classes. Secondly, it's inheritance
in React we will inherit from the component class and the syntax to do that is to use class extends base class.
So here, I have an EnterpriseBite that extends from Bite. And I'm just overriding the str method to prepend EP to the string method we already have.
So if I make a new EnterpriseBite make a new string and points I should get a different string And here we see ep bite
because that's the method we overrode. Next up are variables. As I touched upon in my JavaScript lessons old-style JavaScript used the var keyword.
In newer JavaScript, we have let which is safer because it block scoped. And for variables that don't change we use const.
And we'll see const in a lot of React code so here are the hello string and that string is not meant to be changed so I defined it as a const.
However, if we do some sort of calculation I could intialise count variable to 0 and I would use let because this variable is changed within the body
With whatever we going to do. So for variables that change, you use let and for constants you use const. But don't use the var keyword anymore
because it's not convenient. Next up, are arrow functions. A very exciting feature of modern JavaScript. So a classic function would be
function, argument, and return. In newer JavaScript, we can remove the function keyword and add a fat arrow. Then we can omit the parenthesis
if there's a single argument. And then we can even omit the curly braces if it's a single line function. And it is pretty compact.
Let's see if this works by removing all the previous revisions and only use the arrow function. And that worked.
In the sense that if I don't pass an argument it undefined and as we've seen in the JavaScript lesson we can even give it a default argument.
Like so. And now when name is not given I get the default of stranger. Next is the destructuring
and this you can see as tuple unpacking in Python. So here I got an object a Bite with id title at 1 points and I can extract those attributes
using the syntax so I put the Variables inside curly braces and I get those individual variables extracted. Lastly, map and filter.
When we print like an unordered list of list items a common technique is to use a map and maybe a filter to reduce the amount of items you want to see
for example, the API where I can filter the tips So here, I got some ninja objects in an array and I'm going to filter the array
by only ensuring that ninjas with more or equal to 100 points. And then, do an operation on each of the items.
And that is wrapping them into list item a HTML tags So this should output only Mark and Mike and write their names in a li tags.
Let's run this. And indeed it does. See it as a list comprehension or actually Python has names work for method filter.
And though it also seems pretty regularly in React code To recap, if seen classes, constructor like they done to
dunder init in Python, methods, and where Python uses self we use this. Inheritance. You can inherit from a base guys
using the extence keyword and override methods. Just like in Python. For variable deceration, you want to use let and const. And shy away from var.
In React, immutability is very important. So you will see the use of const a lot because that makes a variable not changeable.
Arrow functions, classic function using the fat arrow omit the parenthesis in version single arg and omit the curly braces.
And here's an example of how to look in React pretty concise Destructing, this compared as tuple unpacking in Python
You have an object, you want to extract the variable. You put them in curly braces and we get the individual attributes
as seen here with this Bite example map and filter commonly used when we need to manipulate a sequence of items.
Here, we have an array of ninja objects and we filter them by ninjas with greater than or equal to 200 points and wrap them in li tags using map.
There concludes an overview of modern JavaScript features. Next we're going to bootstrap our first project. The fronter of our tips API
using a tool called create-react-app.