#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 37-40: Introduction to Pyramid framework
Lecture: Our demo application

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0:00 Before we even get into the core ideas and features of Pyramid, let's talk for a moment about the application we're going to build.
0:08 We're going to build the Bill Tracker Pro demo application. So of course, this is just a made up thing, but you know
0:14 I think mint.com or one of these personal finance tracker ideas, and this is going to be Softwares as a Service
0:21 meaning users can create an account here and then they can add their bills pay their bills, things like that.
0:28 Turns out, this site is going to be pretty simple at the moment, we're not going to have too many features
0:34 we'll have a handful of pages, we'll have this home page we'll have the ability to add a payment do some form input around that.
0:42 Things like this. It's going to have a database and be data driven with SQLAlchemy, and you could also see that it has this nice design, so this app
0:49 is going to be built from scratch. We're going to start from the very beginning. However, that's true for the behavior
0:55 that's not true, necessarily, for all of the exact CSS maybe even some of the HTML, paste in a segment like this little top piece.
1:03 I'll explain it and show you what's happening but I would rather do a little copy and paste around the CSS, so you have a truly nice looking website
1:10 that you can take and run with, or use it as an example rather than have something that looks like it's straight out of 1994.
1:17 So this is the app that we're going to build throughout this course. The building of this app is going to be pretty involved, honestly.
1:23 The reason is, we're going to build out a proper web application, not just a toy so there's going to be a couple things we have to do
1:31 that are maybe going to make this demo go a little bit longer, this section go a little bit longer than you might otherwise expect.
1:37 But we're going to use it when we talk about migrations and we're going to use it when we talk about deploying
1:42 to Linux and the general overall deployment story of Python web applications. So we're going to invest a little extra time in this chapter
1:51 so that we have a great project for the remaining two segments that you're working with me on.

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