#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 33-36: Database access with SQLAlchemy
Lecture: Scooter share data model
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Let's talk about how we might model our data even what things we're storing about our scooter start-up. Here's my proposed model for this
particular adventure we're on here. We're going to have four main items that we're going to store in our database.
We're going to have scooters and we're going to have users. Those are the two primary things, I guess. And then we're going to have rentals
which is really the user getting that scooter for a period of time and then returning it. And then we have locations where the scooters can be parked.
And the users can either pick them up or drop them off. And that's it. You can see the relationships here. The user creates a rental
the rental links over to the scooter. The scooter may be parked at a location. So we're going to have foreign key relationships
in our database to link these things. That's the relational part of the relational database. And then the rentals could also be
picked up at a particular location. Pretty simple data model. I tried to keep it not overly complex. Obviously in the real world we'd probably have
20 or 30 tables, you know, with ecommerce history and auditing and all kinds of stuff. For what we're doing, I think this is going to be
complex enough to give you a real world feel of what we're building but not so complicated that you get lost in all the details.