#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 21-24: Async Flask APIs with Quart
Lecture: Introducing our web app: The cityscape API
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We have two more directories in our GitHub repository under the Quart section. So, we have cityscape_api and we have async's cityscape_api.
So, what is this about? Let's open up this project and see what's goin' on. So, again, we're going to have a lot of requirements to install this.
We're going to create a virtual directory virtual environment here, rather. So, go over here and we'll just do our virtual environment
thing that we did before, and then open this in PyCharm. In macOS you can drop and drop this here and it'll open.
On Windows and Linux you have to say file, open, directory. Now, of course, to run our application we need to install the requirements.
So, we're going to use Flask. We're going to use Requests. Now and later we're going to use something called aiohttp
so we can make our web service calls asynchronously. Basically, these three replace are the asynchronous equivalent of those.
So, we got to install Flask and all of its friends, as well as Requests. Okay, so let's just really quickly look and see what this web app is about.
And I mean, mark this is as excluded and this one as resource root. So, if we go down here let's just look at our app from the top.
So, we have these services. These services we need to figure but these are the things that call our web APIs.
I'll introduce you to a couple of services that we're going to do, but basically we need to know the latitude and longitude given a city.
We're going to give you the sunrise and sunset information for the city you ask and we're also going to give you the weather for that city.
And we need our location service to help drive that service so we don't have to ask people for weird things like what's your latitude and longitude.
Okay, so we're going to create our Flask app. This is standard Flask. We're actually decomposing it into various pieces using what's called blueprints.
So, instead of writing all of our view code here we're putting it into these pieces we'll see them in just a minute
but this register blueprint let's us sort of still hook in those routes. We're reading out some config files that we put in here
a development and a production one and we're going to set it to I think, what is it set on right now? Let's set it onto debug true.
So, it's going to set up things about how it runs. We're also going to tell the services to use cached data.
We're going to set that to be false initially but later we want to do some performance testing. And it turns out that these services
cannot take the amount of traffic or at least they refuse to take. They may, like detect it, and say go away, you're doing this too often.
But they have a limiting, that either limiting or failed performance that will not let it work well enough for our asynchronous version
when we try to push it to the max. So, I had to set up this caching mechanism so that we could actually truly compare
the performance of Flask versus Quart. Okay, we'll see how that works in a minute and then just standard, just run our Flash app
which is app.run, and this one running on port 5001. All well and good. Let's look at our service. Home is super boring.
It just has an error handler and it just says welcome, use api/city for your API calls. Really, 'cause this is an API
primarily not a website, but it could be. All right, works, Quart and Flask just as well for websites.
Okay, so we're going to go over here and import our services and we have two services you can call. api/weather/zipcode/country
and that will give you weather data. So, let's try that real quick here. Okay, notice it running, and here we got our view.
It says that we can go to this API weather. Let's put zip code in there at 70002, and let's put that in US.
This'll be somewhere, Oregon, near Portland. Goes in, makes a call. Look at this. This is the weather right now.
Here's our longitude and latitude actually coming back. Here's the temperature. That seems kind of intense, right? The max and the min for the day.
We have our wind and so on. This actually is a little bit bizarre. This is in Kelvin, yes, Kelvin. So, you come over here
and that's 23.6 Celsius, or 75 degrees. It's in the evening in the summer. It's kind of a nice summer night so yeah, that looks totally correct
and I guess I got Salem for the city which is also in Oregon, but a little bit away from here. So, here's our weather API, and we could also do
sun, I think it's just called sun. Here we go, and we got the sun. The sunrise is at 6:00 a.m. The sunset is at 8:30 p.m.
Pretty much, pretty accurate, sounds like to me. So, here we can get sun data we can get the weather, things like this.
Of course, we could add more and more services to it, but this is our service. Let's really quickly see how they look and how they work.
So, let's just take the sun one, for example. This one is the most complicated, 'cause it has to use a location and then the sun service.
So, we go here to this location one. It's going to come in here and create an URL to this data science tool kit, street to coordinates.
So, this is a free API you can call given some kind of expression for an address and it'll return you the latitude and longitude.
Now, I've hard-coded some near my location if we decide to use that, but right now I turn that off, so we're using the real data here, as you saw.
We got Salem, not this other place there. It goes and it uses requests to download that JSON and then it pulls that data out of the JSON document
and shoots it back to us. So, that's the location service and then if we look at the sun service it's very, very similar.
Get a URL, we're using api.sunrise-sunset.org. We're going to pass that along. And then we can, again, use requests
get our JSON result back, and process it. Well, this is all good, but are we getting somewhere? Yes. We are massively, massively waiting right there
and even this part, a little bit, could be, if there's a lot of data waiting for it to stream down. Okay, so this just is the beginning
of the request, and this is kind of the end. Same thing over in the location one. We have to wait. So, if we could do other work online
while white line 21 is waiting on sunrise-sunset.org that would be really awesome. That would let us go do tons of stuff.
Here's our app. We're going to focus on primarily on this. We're going to go use the service, location service which we looked at using requests
to get the latitude and longitude, given a zip code. And then, we're going to use the sun service
given a lat and long, to tell us when does the sun come up when does it go down, things like that. Then, we just return that data.
That data is what you saw right here sunrise, and sunset, and so on. Pretty awesome. See if I refresh it, it takes about
half a second for it to do its processing. That's almost entirely waiting. I think we need some async code.