#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 9-12: FastAPI
Lecture: Using specialized responses

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0:00 We saw we could create a response and return it with some content that was JSON with a status
0:06 code. However, FastAPI actually has some shortcut ways to improve upon this. So if we can go over
0:12 here and say FastAPI.responses, and you look in here, notice we have a JSON response, a file
0:18 response, an HTML response, plain text, redirect, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So that's cool.
0:24 Let's go into the JSON one, which is up here. And how is this different? Well, it's going to
0:29 automatically set this to the media type. So we don't have to specify that. And also the content
0:36 is going to be set to be a string, which would parse as JSON, but some kind of dictionary,
0:42 just a straight dictionary there. And then the status code, well, we're still going to need to
0:46 set that because that's kind of error condition like that. Okay, let's wrap that so you all can
0:52 read it. This should do exactly the same thing as we had before. Go over here and we refresh,
0:58 everything is good. But now if we make it error out, notice again, we get some JSON passed back
1:06 here. And if we look at the type, it's application JSON. So same basic idea, but we just have to
1:12 write a little less code. We don't have to set the content type and all those things. Also,
1:16 if this content you wanted to pass back had come from some other location or included other data,
1:21 you'd have to use the JSON library to turn into a string, which should be a hassle. So this is This is much better.
1:26 If you're going to return JSON response, do it like this.

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