#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 9-12: FastAPI
Lecture: Concept: Passing data to the API

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0:00 We saw that if we want to pass data, especially from the query string or part of the URL path
0:05 definition, where we can put variables in there, what we have to do is create the same variables or arguments in our function.
0:12 So here our calculate function now takes an x, y, and a z. Now we're going to specify these to have concrete types.
0:19 So over here, these concrete types that have no default value, these are required. We can also specify an optional integer and set it to be none.
0:28 That way we know for sure that no value was passed for z over here. This value is optional.
0:35 We could pass none or just completely omit it, and it's going to come through with its default value of none.
0:40 But if we do pass some value for z, just like x and y, it has to be a valid integer.
0:46 I don't think we saw that in the example, but if we pass like abc for x, it would say, No, no, no, the type is wrong.
0:52 X has to be an integer, and we can't get an integer out of the string abc.
0:56 So we get this automatically converted to integers, and the types are validated that
1:00 what we pass over are either completely missing, or if they are there, they can be converted
1:05 to the types that we said they should be, including z, which is optional. It either has to be missing or it can be an integer.

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