#100DaysOfWeb in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 1-4: Flask Intro
Lecture: Day 4: Your Turn - What did we learn?
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Congratulations you made it to the end of your first two days of the course. This was the introduction to the Flask Web Framework.
I hope you enjoyed it, I hope you got a lot out of it. Let's do a quick recap of everything that we learned.
What we're looking at here is the Flask package hierarchy this is pretty much how our entire application was laid out.
If you remember we started out with our project folder we created the virtual environment, we have our demo.py
file which tells the flask app what to run and we also have the flask n file there which was the actual environment variable for the flask app.
We then had the program folder, that's where our actual application lived, it was packaged within that
and that's denoted by the __init__.py file that tells the package what to run, what to import and so on
and it imports the routes.py file which contains all of the information for routing out applications so all of your routes, the app.route decorator
and what each one of those web pages actually does. We then have the templates folder which contains all
of those HTML templates including the base template which was the one that carried across all of our pages
and then we have our two unique pages, index.html and 100Days.html. Just looking at our __init__.py file quickly, we begin
by importing flask, that's the very first thing you have to do for this file, you have to tell it to import
the flask module from the flask package, and then we create our very own flask app object. So we get this app object and that's what's used throughout
all of our application. We then from our program folder we import the routes.py file, so thinking back to that hierarchy, from the program folder
we're importing routes.py. Looking into the routes.py file, we import app so again from that program folder we know because of the
__init__.py file that we can import our flask object called app, from flask itself we then import render_template
and looking down a little bit further, we then have our decorators, these are the decorators that sit on top
of our function, and these tell our function what path is going to work with that function and at the end of the function we then return the actual
HTML file or the template that is going to be used when that page is called. Looking to the base.html file now, this one's quite simple
nothing much to it, it was just some base HTML code with some Jinja code injected right into the middle
of the body tag, this again was the place holder of all of the content that we're going to be injecting into
this base HTML file, and that code that we're injecting in is our unique HTML files and looking at those unique HTML files, those other pages
we then have the extends Jinja code and that tells us what file we're extending from, in our instance
we're extending from base.html, taking that base HTML code that template, and using it for this other page.
The block content as we saw in the base.html file this is the code that's going to be injected, this is the code that fits within that block
content on the template and last but not least we then played with a little bit of MUI CSS, this is just a screenshot of the website
there's the URL down on the bottom, if you want to have a closer look, have a bit of a play. So now it is your turn, have a quick look at the video
again on the read me, or go and read the read me yourself on the actual GitHub repo but now it's up to you.
In your last two days you are going to make your own web application, the idea is to be completely free form
there is no rule around this, all I'd like you to do is take everything you've learned and make your own
website, make your own page, it doesn't have to be functional just as long as you are using a base HTML type file to have a template that flows
across all of your pages, do whatever you want come up with anything, make it as simple as possible it doesn't matter, just remember it's all about
the consistent learning, so day three and day four dedicate at least 30 to 60 minutes to just playing around with your own website and remember
keep calm and code in Python.