#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 97-99: Building JSON APIs
Lecture: Migrating our SQLAlchemy models
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All right, it's time to move some existing code and data over here, just from our previous persistent Rock Paper Scissors.
Remember, one of the things that we used in the 15-way Rock Paper Scissors was we needed this CSV file to basically determine who wins and who loses
for any combination of those 15-way battles. Let's paste that over here. We're going to have our CSV file that tells us that,
and we'll also have this DB folder thing, we already saw that. This just tells us easy way to get back to this location
base and generate either read or writable files here. We're going to put our SQLAlchemy data in there as well.
That has to do with reading the data in the games. The other thing we had was lots of stuff around SQLAlchemy
defining the models and saving and querying who played a game, does the player exist, all of that stuff.
We're just going to take that and drop it in here. We're not really going to change that hardly at all.
But I'm going to make this folder called game_logic, and you can see we have our SQLAlchemy declarative base. We have our move.
This literally is the same thing as before. It's not changed at all. We have our game decider, our GameService. These are all basically the same.
I had to add just a couple of methods to GameService, but they're super trivial, like find a roll by id, and things like that.
Nothing important or new here, other than this only change really is that this game, it used to have all the loop logic and all that stuff,
and now we need to really separate that. That's going to go down into the client, but there's still a little bit of work that our game class
is going to do. We'll have this over here. There we've moved in the code from our game previously.
Now our job is to integrate it into our web application.