#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 94-96: Rich GUI apps in Python
Lecture: Your turn: Day 2

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0:00 The next day is you're going to actually build your GUI. So the steps to make this happen are pretty straightforward. They're just right here.
0:08 You're going to have a main method. You're going to put an @gooey directive decorator on it. Somewhere near the beginning we'll create a GooeyParser.
0:16 You've seen how to add the arguments. At the end you call parser.parse_args. Get that back, that'll give you your data.
0:24 You should have your UI running, right? Remember, the goal is going to be to look through the applications that you've built
0:32 and find one that's kind of fire and forget. You give it some information and press go do that and it will. So find an application that you built,
0:40 that you like along these lines and convert it to a UI version of that same application. Right, so through these steps here.
0:48 Here's an example of one I had that was a sort of project creation thing for Pearman Web Apps and it would take Cookiecutter
0:56 and the various types of templates and ask you the questions but it does it visually right here
1:00 so you're going to end up with something like this in the end.

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