#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 79-81: Basic Database Access with SQLite3
Lecture: Demo: Script to Generate a DB
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So for this video, I just wanted to show you a cool little script that you can create to sort of generate your own database files.
Just for testing purposes, right? 'Cause that's one of the great things about SQLite3. It's super lightweight, and you can use it for testing.
So just create a new file. All right, and, I'd like you to pretty much use the file, I mean, you could edit whichever way you wish, of course.
But you'll find this file in the course materials. So don't feel like you have to copy everything I'm typing here, in fact, I'm going to use
some of my black magic to make it appear on the screen. So, I'm going to explain this text to you in just a minute.
But what we will do is, let's save the file as so, create this Python file for yourself. generate_db.py, all right? Now, here comes the magic.
Okay, so I know this looks daunting. So, just don't panic, if you don't know what you're looking at here. I'll explain things in a simple way, but,
I'm going to try and skip over the stuff that isn't really SQLite3 relative, but just bear with me. Okay. So we're creating a context manager here.
We're creating a generator. And that uses a with statement, well that's one way. It uses a with statement.
And it'll have a function in there with this decorator. And you can read this stuff up. We'll link to that in the course notes.
And it will yield something. In this case, it's going to yield that cursor. That we use here. So you've got your connection.cursor, right?
Well, we have that here. We've just abbreviated it down to con. Which is generally a standard, right?
So, the first thing that this script if going to do is it's going to prompt you for a name. So when you run it, it's going to say, well,
what's the name of your database? What would you like to name your database file, all right? And, you enter in a name. It returns the name.
And your context manager, this with statement, will create the database using that name. All right, so runs create_db which is here.
And create_db when invoked is going to set up your connection cursor, all right? It's going to yield that cursor line right here,
with create_db() as cursor so it returns, it yields the cursor into here. And then now, your width statement, runscursor.execute.
Okay, so this is just a generator, very simple generator. And then it goes cursor.execute, and it creates a table called test table.
With three columns. Sorry, four columns. Column one, two, three and four. Three as text, and one as int. And when it's done, it prints.
The database has been created. This is just a simple, string formatting. And, again, substitutes the name in, you can see that here as well.
And that's it, that's literally all this script does. Now, as you can tell, this is hard coded. And this is why I said this is great for testing.
And this is something I use. And I will just quickly pop in here and change this if I have to, but for the most part,
three text columns and an integer column is more than enough for me. And I've used this on multiple occasions.
Just to create a really quick, simple SQLite3 database. Without having to go through, and create it myself
manually using these connection commands, all right? So let's save this file. And, with that out of the way.
We will run, let's just make sure it's in here. Python generate_db.py What would you like to name your test DB file? Well, let's just call it Julian.
Julian.db has been created. There we go. Right down there. Open up our database browser, again. Let's close this database. Open up Julian.
And there we go. We've got test table, with one, two, three, four columns. It is a very useful script.
You can edit it to something that's much more, there we go. You can edit it to something that's much more
appropriate for you, and for your testing purposes. But it's a really cool one just to keep handy just in case.