#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 73-75: Automate tasks with Selenium
Lecture: Your turn: Day 3

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0:00 Welcome back. This is the third day of the Python Selenium lesson. I hope the exercise of yesterday to test our little Django app was not too hard.
0:11 If you're still working on it, no problem. I think it's a good workout so then just use this third day to complete that.
0:19 If you're done or you're bored, you want something else, we looked at two core examples in this lesson, Packt and automated banner generation.
0:27 Maybe you want to try those, build them out, or maybe even better scratch your own itch. What are some of your boring stuff
0:34 that you can automate and write tools for? Maybe you have a log in you want to automate to your favorite site or social media, retrieve some data,
0:43 or maybe even post some data. The options are endless and the best you can do is practice some more because it's the practice with the new technology
0:51 that makes you a master and it's also the most fun. So enjoy and don't forget to share your work. Use the #100DaysOfcode
0:58 and feel free to include @talkpython or @PyBites in your tweets because we would love to see what you come up with. Good luck and have fun.

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