#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 61-63: Using the Github API with Python
Lecture: Creating a gist with the Github API
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Alright, let's post to the GitHub API, creating a gist. Now, with the current access, we cannot just post to the API.
It would mean not very secure, right? So we need to create some sort of access token. And there are various levels of access.
I mean the GitHub API is pretty granular. But for this one, I'm going to create a personal access token. Let's go to my GitHub account, settings,
developer settings, personal access tokens, and click on generate new token. I'm just giving the description.
And look at all the scopes. There's a lot of different access levels, but I'm interested now in creating gist. So I click on the corresponding access.
And I click on generate token. That gives us our token. And next I will show you how to load that into the notebook. As per best practice,
never leave such a token in your code. But load it from the environment. So back at the terminal, deactivate the virtual environment,
open your venv virtual environment, the name of your virtual environment. venv, activate script with your favorite editor. Go to the end,
and let's export github_gist_create_token, fit a token your just copy over. Save this, activate the virtual environment again.
Source or I have my alias set up. And now I should have the variable in my environment. Okay, great. We can now post to the API.
Let's load in the token. It would not be available that would give me a keyerror. So we are good. Let's create a new object. Passing in the token.
And to come back on those rate limits, look at the difference. Look at that. Now we can make five thousand calls to the API.
Compare that to the, what was it? 50 or 60 before, so authorizing with a token gives you more power. Let's get my user.
And you see that I'm an authenticated user. And now, let's create a gist. Hold on there. I'm missing required arguments.
Yeah, that's not going to work straight away, of course. And I did that on purpose, to go back to the help. Look at that,
that's the contract or the interface we have to this method of the API. We defined if the gist is going to be public or not.
We give it files and a description. And notice that the files need to be of an input file contact type, which I imported at the start.
So let's first, write some code to be posted. So I have some code here, that's actually the code we wrote before to get the repo stats.
I'm not going to share this with the world. Excitement! So that would be me, create, gist, public True. And then we need to patch it
in a dictionary of the file name. The name of the gist, I'm going to call it, repostats.py. And the value would be that input file content object.
And I pass it in my code. And lastly, we give a description. GitHub users most popular repos. Alright, let's run this. And it comes back with a gist.
Let's go over to GitHub. And look at this. There is a repo_stats.py, which was just created by my user. And look at that.
This code is now available to the world. And it was automatically posted via the GitHub API, using Python.