#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 61-63: Using the Github API with Python
Lecture: Lesson introduction

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0:00 Welcome back to the 100 Days of Python, Day 61. Wow, that means you're already 60% in. Way to go and keep going. I hope you enjoy it.
0:11 The next 3 days, I will be your guide, showing you how you can use the GitHub API with Python. We will be using a module called PyGitHub,
0:21 which makes it pretty easy to work with the API. We will both retrieve data from the API, as well as post data to the API.
0:30 While doing that, I will also show you the builtin help and their functions in Python, to retrieve more documentation from the API.
0:39 And finally, I will also show you how to use pdb, the debugger, to look at your code in realtime. Working with APIs is a very useful skill to have.
0:49 So I'm very excited to show you how to do that.

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