#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 58-60: Twitter data analysis with Python
Lecture: Get all tweets with tweepy.Cursor
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Alright, let's do some coding. Finally. First, let's import the modules we're going to use and do some set up.
Then, I'm going to define a namedtuple called Tweet. And next, I'm going to set some global variables, which, in Python, are uppercase,
and words divided by underscore. So, we're going to look at Twitter data from our account and here are the environment variables explained
in last video, loaded into the notebook. And you can use os environment or os.environ and you can make a script in your favorite editor.
Or follow along in the notebook but notice to load a virtual environment in iPython, there is some set up you might need to do.
So, here's a link and a command you can run to get the virtual environment loaded into your notebook. That's all set. Lets dive straight into getting
PyBite's Twitter history which is over two thousand tweets. And we're going to look at the most popular tweets by the number of likes and retweets
the most common hashtags and mentions and finally, create a nice Wordcloud and we will see that Tweepy is awesome in making this very easy.
Alright, let's make an API object first. Alright, and then let's define a function to get all our tweets.
Wow, that's a lot going on here. So, we use a Tweepy cursor, which is an efficient way to loop all over the tweets.
And, I'm going to access the user time line, which is basically all our tweets, screen name is PyBites and for now, I'm not going to show replies
because I need them later. I'm going to include the retweets, so, basically I get everything.
And that's good because we can always discard stuff later. But we can not put stuff back that was initially not there.
So, then to loop over it, I use the items on that cursor, we had a namedtuple at the beginning, with id text created likes and retweets fields,
and I'm just populating those and yielding each tweet one by one. So, this is basically a generator, which we covered in Day 16.
Then let's load it on to a list, which might take a while, but makes it easier to inspect. And let's see how big that is.
Great, so, we have 2400 tweets. Let's see what we can do with those tweets.