#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 55-57: Structured API clients with uplink
Lecture: Concepts: uplink
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Let's review what we built. We defined a client to interact with our HTTP service by creating a class and having it derive from uplink.Consumer.
So we created blog_client and its consumer so uplink can do its magic. The next thing that we needed to do was pass it the base url.
Here's one way to do that. We could tell this class, it's always going to work with that API, so you don't have to pass this base url every time.
It's really nice to have this if you're doing testing against your own APIs. You could, say if you're in debug mode,
then you say, like a local host version, otherwise use production or staging, whatever, right? So this is really nice, it sort of sets it up.
And then anytime we want to have an API point called, we just write a method, decorate it with one of
the HTTP verbs, here we're using uplink.get/api/blog/post_id, and that post_id is one of the arguments. Now of course what we get back
is a request version of a response. And notice, there's no real implementation, but here's a nice chance to add a doc string
and add a little documentation. So this is what I would think of as a raw API method. Down here, we saw when we want to pass the body
sometimes that's a little cumbersome, doesn't really give the consumer of the client a lot of help on what to put, so we wrote this wrapper function.
It takes meaningful arguments, creates some default values for us, and then calls this hidden internal one that routes to our url/api/blog.
To create a new one, we just kind of pass on through. Really really nice, and for that last part to work
when we did uplink.body, we had to specify JSON, otherwise it's going to pass it as form encoded, which, the server, if it doesn't want that,
it's going to get upset. Here's what we got to do to built data servers, and now we can just use it as if it was
a standard class, and all these things flow over to the service, really really nice.