#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 55-57: Structured API clients with uplink
Lecture: Demo: Getting started
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Alright, here we are in our GitHub Repo. In the Uplink directory, we're going to quickly create a virtual environment.
We're going to want to install some third party packages, namely uplink and all of its dependencies. So, you want to have this here, so you don't mess
with the global one. Now that that's done, we can just drop this into PyCharm, open it however you like. Alright, it's open, there's no files,
we're starting from an entirely blank project. So let's do two things, let's go over here and add a program and let's add a requirements.txt.
So, in order to work with Uplink, it probably won't surprise you to know, you have to install Uplink. So we'll come over here and say uplink.
Now, we're going to install this, however, let's quickly look at the Uplink documentation. So, you can see it's really targeting
all the versions of Python, great code coverage, really nice, however, there is this sort of note here:
warning, until this becomes an official version one, maybe don't depend on the exact stability of the API. Chances are, what we're doing
is really pretty basic and won't change, but I'll show you how we can hedge for that in a second. So let's go over here. Install our requirements,
and notice, we got Uplink 0.4.0 and we can actually... This will go away in a second. We can come over here and say this is actually == to this.
And when we do this, it should still just say: "No, no we're all good, everything's installed." That way, when you get this project,
you can put this and it won't change. In case that API really is unstable, this will let you work with exactly what we're using for this video.
Now this little green here is just PyCharm saying this is misspelled. We can just save it, tell it no, leave us alone.
Okay, so we are ready, actually to write some code. And let's just put a little bit of structure in place.
What we're going to do it we're going to work with a blog service. So, imagine this is a program that lets us edit our own blog, but not from the web.
We're going to log into our application here and we can say view our existing post, edit our post, we can create new posts,
really kind of a toy example but, it has much of the RESTful components that any API would have. So, it accepts POST, PUT, DELETE,
the various verbs and JSON bodies, and other types of interesting things, authentication and headers, and it'll let you play around
with many of the capabilities without getting into a really super complicated service. So let's just write the skeleton here
and then we'll go check out the service. Alright, so I'm going to just copy something in and it's just going to like this.
So, what we're going to do, is we're going to define basically a couple of operations here. We'll use this one first.
So we're going to have a main method and it's just going to go around and around as long as you don't enter a blank line,
it's going to ask you, would you like to write a post? Or, read the existing ones? The service starts out with some already there.
And then it just says each time through, do they say write, do they say read, if not exit. We're going to fill this out with the implementation
of talking to the API.