#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 55-57: Structured API clients with uplink
Lecture: Use the official API if available

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0:00 Now, let me just put one final warning out there before we jump into building these API's with Uplink. Uplink is great for creating structured clients
0:08 against HTTP services, works really, really well. However, if the API you're working with already has a Python implementation, use that.
0:18 It's likely implemented and maintained by the company that actually controls the API. It'll continually be upgraded, and so on.
0:27 So, for example, over here at Stripe, they have an API. We could use Uplink to build our very own client to talk to it.
0:33 But, we can just pip install stripe, and they'll maintain that and upgrade that over time, and we don't have to worry about it.
0:40 So, Uplink really fits in the place where you have this structured API you want to work with, however, it doesn't have like an official
0:47 PyPI package that is the API wrapper. Which there are many, many of those of course, but first check and see if there's something from the
0:55 company or organization to already access that API and use that, but if not, Uplink, that's where we're goin'.

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