#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 52-54: Parsing RSS feeds with Feedparser
Lecture: Parsing XML with Feedparser

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0:00 Okay, one last little thing for you which is a bit of a best practice as always with Python scripts, you would
0:07 normally put in some sort of an error check, just to make sure or a conditional check, just to make sure everything is in place
0:14 before you run your script, right. So in this case, what happens if one of these tags doesn't exist in the feed?
0:24 Well, sometimes these RSS feeds out there don't always include the default tags, like title and link or description
0:35 or whatever else, okay, if that happens well then your script's going to break. So you should try and capture those errors
0:42 but right now, I'm not going to walk you through error catching and testing and trying except and everything that's another module in itself, right.
0:51 So what I will show is just a really quick, if statement that just works, okay. So you could do if and then your tag name,
1:02 now I would definitely insist on title being in there, so if title in feed.entries, we're looking at the first item in feed.entries there.
1:17 Then we want you to run the full loop and that's it, okay, that's all I'm looking at now then you can put
1:27 ls break or something like that or you could run your try and except and what if you want to wrap around it.
1:33 But in this case, that's all we need, so we can save that and then we can run that, so Python and we'll get the same output as last time.
1:46 Okay, we can go and see all of that data now just to prove that this actually worked, here's what we can do, let's clear and let's
2:02 change the actual tag we're looking for. So let's come up with something that's definitely not going to be in there.
2:10 Let's see if I can spell, so that should be in every feed right but unfortunately not so if Julian rocks in feed.entries then run your forward.
2:21 Okay, let's run that and bang, nothing happened, let's put title back in and there we have it, okay, so that's it if you want to do some
2:36 sort of testing against it before you run it, well that's the way to do it. Okay, and that's pretty much feed parser nice and simple.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon