#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 49-51: Measuring performance
Lecture: Your turn: Day 1

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0:00 You've seen how profiling can make your application faster. It turns you into a detective, hunting for performance problems in your application.
0:09 Now, it's your turn to work on your applications using the cProfile and the techniques that you've learned here. We're going to start on Day 1
0:18 by just watching these videos, of course, and then picking an application that you're going to optimize. Pick some app that you've previously built.
0:26 At this point in the course you should have built many little applications. You can totally pick one of those.
0:30 Or if you've built something outside the course, use that. That's all fine, as long as it's the Python app, this should work just fine.
0:37 So for today just think about the app that you want to work with, that you want to try to profile and understand the performance,
0:43 and we're going to work on the next two days on making it faster.

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