#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 46-48: Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup4
Lecture: Setting up the environment

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0:00 Okay, we just have a little bit of setup to do for this one. First things first, as always, let's create our virtual environment. Same thing, venv.
0:13 Once that's installed, we need to install Beautiful Soup 4, of course, but we also need to pip install requests. So let's do that quickly.
0:22 We'll just activate, the virtual environment here. Okay, now we can do pip install requests, and once that's done, we can then do pip install bs4
0:40 You can probably type in beautifulsoup4, but bs4 is fine, and that's it. We have that installed. The last thing I'd like you to do is just create
0:51 a file called scraper.py, and throw that into your project directory. When you run it, it will look something like this, scraper.py, just here.
1:02 Okay, and that's it. So once you've got all that set up, launch your file and let's move on to do some coding.

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