#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 46-48: Web Scraping with BeautifulSoup4
Lecture: Introduction to BeautifulSoup4

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0:00 Okay, everyone welcome back. This is web scraping with BeautifulSoup 4. I'm Julian Sequeira, again,
0:08 and just a disclaimer, this has nothing to do with dinner. This has everything to do with web scraping. If you're hungry, go get something to eat.
0:17 If not, crack on, because what we're going to do now is this is going to be a very quick module. We're going to run through
0:24 pulling down a webpage with requests, not in any detail because we've done that before. Then we're going to parse that webpage information
0:33 with BeautifulSoup 4. You can do some really cool stuff, so I'm very excited to show you this one. Just set up your environment and the next video,
0:41 and then we'll get straight to some code.

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