#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 22-24: Decorators
Lecture: Lesson introduction

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0:00 Welcome back to the 100 days of Python. Today we look at an important concept which are decorators. It might be daunting at first,
0:08 but they're not that hard to grasp, and they take your Python knowledge to the next level. First we write a simple decorator
0:14 and see how we can decorate a function to add additional behavior. Then we make a quick detour to explain the different ways functions
0:22 and Python can receive different kind of arguments. Then we write a second decorator and see how they can be stacked up.
0:29 Then we look at some further references, and for the second and third day, I got a couple of practical exercises
0:36 to hone your newly gained decorator skills. All right, let's do this.

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