#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 16-18: List comprehensions and generators
Lecture: Second day: a practical exercise

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0:01 Welcome back to 100 Days of Python. The second day of list comprehensions and generators. Now that we've got some theory down,
0:09 it's all about getting practice. I've got some small exercises to get practice. So, here you're provided with a names list of names and surnames.
0:20 And can you write a simple list comprehension to convert those names to title case, and reverse the first and the last name?
0:28 Then we use that data to make a simple generator that generates output like this. So, we initialize the generator. We look through a range of 10,
0:41 and call next on the generator. And every time we call next it returns name one teams up with name two. And those names are randomly chosen
0:51 That should not be too hard after yesterday's lesson. So have fun, and tomorrow we'll show you the solution to these two exercises.

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