#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 10-12: Testing your code with pytest
Lecture: Mocking user input and exceptions
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The second thing I want to test is the guess method. It takes a user input and input is not static, you can change and it can be random.
Even worse, when you run this program it's waiting at the prompt to get input so your test would hang, quickly demo this.
Let's make a game object, and run it. Actually it's not hanging, it's throwing an error, pretty soon, reading from standard input
output is captured, so that's cool. And look at the output, it's pretty verbose which is a nice feature of pytest.
But anyway, we definitely don't want to use input literally in tests, so I'm going to use patch again. And I'm going to patch the built-ins input,
and this is another way of marking. Here I can give it side effects. And a list of expected returns in a row.
Because I'm having all these exceptions here, I'm going to give it a bunch of inputs to go through all these scenarios and see
if each scenario throws the value error or accepts the guess as a correct one. And will also show you how you can check for
exceptions in pytest which are important because raising exceptions is a common Python pattern. So what we're doing here is setting up
a sequence of return values as if input was called that many times. So it will return a 11, then 12 as a string, then bob, then 12,
then five minus one, 21 seven and None. And those are the values that we're going to work with, and you have to give it an argument,
it can be called anything. And now we have some return data from input to work with. So I'm making a game, and again, the constructor sets defaults
for all the internal variables, so that should be fine, and then I can start to make assertions. And the first two side effects or returns are good.
and again I will show you guess, so guess goes through getting an input, looking for all the bad inputs and raise a value error
if so, and if it's good it ends up adding it to it's internal set which is the underscore guesses, and returning the guess. So 11 is good,
12 is a string should be fine because that can be converted into a int. The second one, bob, is not a number.
And the way in pytest to check if an exception is raised is to use pytest, and you need to import that, and do a with pytest.raises,
the name of the exception and then the statement that would trigger that exception. So the next return value from input in the row
is bob's string, if I call guess with that it should raise a value error and we're telling pytest to check if it actually raises that exception.
And the same is true for the next one with is 12. If I guess again, the guess is already in the guesses set
and the function manually raises a value error. I can just copy this and it will be the same. So every new call of guess triggers this input statement
or call, which triggers a new value in the return list. So 12 is done, five should be fine. Right let's run what we have so far
because it's a lot of code and see if it works. All right that looks good. So now let's do the complete list again.
And after five comes minus one and 21 which should be two exceptions because they are out of range.
Another good one, and finally None should not be a good one, that falls into this one, if not guess raise a value error, please enter a number.
So we wrap up with... So that's save, Control + Z, pytest you're still happy. I mean if it would say...
Game guess returns None when given None it will fail. So we have please enter a number so it actually raised a value error,
and it was not catching that. Here I do, and it works. So that's how I use mocking to circumvent this input function waiting for input.
I'm going through all these scenarios by giving various side effects. Next up, validate guess.