#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: Three devs are better than one

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0:00 When you dedicate yourself to taking a course, and carefully working the way that the instructor, the author, is working,
0:08 you are effectively gaining much of the experience that that particular author or developer has gained through their career, through their jobs.
0:16 This course is special because it's taught by three people. That means you get three experiences in one. And this is super valuable.
0:23 Imagine that you have a job at this place. You get to work with cool VR gear and on hardware and IoT things. You'll gain one set of experiences.
0:32 But if you took a different job, say, you're starting a fashion start-up with your friend, this woman, from college,
0:39 and you're just working on this coffee shop. Being scrappy, working, trying to get venture capital and launch your application,
0:45 you have a totally different experience than this dude in a VR headset. Or maybe you go the corporate route, work at Microsoft like this guy here.
0:53 He's, you know, working on some new programming, language tooling around Python. These are all super different experiences.
1:00 And these experiences are very positive. They give you a different perspective and more perspectives on programming. That's awesome.
1:08 How's that relevant to this course? Well, with the three instructors, we each have a slightly different set of tools.
1:13 And slightly different way of working. We're going to show you next, how each of us gets set up. What you need to follow along with each of us:
1:21 Julian, Bob, and myself during our particular segments. You don't have to work like us, but if you want to do exactly what we're doing,
1:28 we'll show you how we got started. And we feel this is super valuable for you. You'll have not just one experience,
1:34 but three experiences kind of bundled up into one. And so on the other side of this course, you're going to have a broader perspective.
1:42 And that's pretty awesome.

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