Effective PyCharm Transcripts
Chapter: Server-side Python web apps
Lecture: Introductions to server-side web apps

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0:03 It's time to build some web applications with Python and PyCharm and this is super important because I feel Python's biggest strength,
0:13 one of its most important areas is web development. The other being probably data science,
0:19 but certainly, if you look at the different things people do with Python, some of the most major applications have been built on the web with Python,
0:28 think of things like Instagram, Dropbox, YouTube, YouTube does several million requests per second using Python, so these are some major applications
0:38 and Python's web support is varied and powerful and you'll see that PyCharm supports many of these things. So let's again look at how that happens,
0:47 remember our pyramid of what PyCharm is really built of, if we're talking about the various parts of the web development,
0:55 it actually involves two of these components. The server side framework stuff is all done through PyCharm itself that's the Python back end bits.
1:04 The client side parts, the HTML, the templates, the CSS those are done through WebStorm. Now of course, when we're building Python based web apps
1:13 especially data driven server side focused ones, the application is built out of many of these pieces right, that's one of the challenges of the web,
1:24 you've got to learn all these different languages and technologies and you know— put them together.
1:29 We're going to split this presentation into two parts server side and client side,
1:34 so on the server side, we're going to talk about creating new server side projects how do we create a new Pyramid or Flask app,
1:40 how do we load existing projects into PyCharm, so if we go to the internet and download some Pyramid web app for example
1:51 which can be somewhat complex to set up, how do we get that imported correctly; we'll talk about the HTML template editors,
1:58 this is like Chameleon or Jinja 2 and so on. Another one of the things that's important around both Pyramid and Django is
2:06 they have tooling to kind of control them a little bit, especially Django, so in Pyramid, you have a setup.py
2:12 that registers the web application as a package and we'll see that PyCharm has support for that,
2:19 and in Django, there's a manage.py that does a lot of work for constructing your application and it's also supported in PyCharm.
2:27 We'll see that when you create a Python web app in PyCharm, could be a little bit better if we leverage
2:35 some of our mark directory stuff, we will talk about that, and finally, some web applications require you to run little tasks
2:41 before like gulp or something like that, webpack, we'll see how you can leverage the parts of PyCharm
2:50 to automatically make that happen before you run the app.

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