Effective PyCharm Transcripts
Chapter: Databases
Lecture: Introduction to database tools

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0:01 We've come to our database section and almost all major applications use databases and they generate tons of data
0:08 and working with it is really, really important. It can be the difference between that super slow laggy type of experience or super fast and crisp,
0:18 so we're going to see what PyCharm has to offer in the realm of databases. It's quite a bit.
0:24 First let's ask the question— why is working with relational data hard? Well, there's a couple of reasons,
0:30 but one of the primary reasons is actually broken or suboptimal tools. We don't often have great, especially visual tools
0:39 to help us explore and interact and modify even the schema of our databases, so yes, sometimes there are tools for this,
0:50 but typically it's some specialized database tool if it even exists that we need to use, it's not built right into our editor
0:59 and you'll see some really amazing stuff that can happen because the data tools are integrated with our editing tools.
1:06 Well, I'd say it's also hard because migrations you know, changing the schema after you put data in the database in production, yeah that's hard,
1:16 and object/relational mismatches, so yeah, working with relational data can be harder than maybe it should be
1:22 but those last two, those are just the nature of relational databases so we're going to focus on the tools that PyCharm has
1:29 that can really level up your experience of working with data. Remember this Pyramid here, we've got IntelliJ, WebStorm, DataGrip and PyCharm
1:37 and PyCharm is sort of the Python tools plus all these other things. In this chapter what we're going to focus on really lives right here,
1:46 everything is going to come from DataGrip except for the final little feature that we're going to talk about,
1:53 which is pretty awesome, it has to do with Python plus DataGrip but pretty much everything else is kind of a DataGrip type feature.

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