Effective PyCharm Transcripts
Chapter: Source control
Lecture: Your turn: Source control

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0:02 Source control in PyCharm is really comprehensive and for git that can mean it's kind of overwhelming the first time you see it I suspect
0:11 unless you're really experienced with git. So here's your chance to explore in a hands-on way how to work with git
0:17 and other features around source control from within PyCharm. So over here on GitHub under your turn 3 source control
0:27 we have basically two things that you're going to do one, you're going to use git source control from within PyCharm.
0:32 You're also going to use local history. So local history as we saw lets you work basically in your own file system
0:40 as if you had a little bit of source control obviously, it's not shared even for you across machines.
0:46 So the first thing that we're going to do is actually build a game that we can call hilo or guess that number game or something.
0:52 And so it's going to do something like this. Hey guess a number between 1 and 100.
0:57 50, it's too low, 75 too high and you kind of use the binary search here and narrow in on looks like it was 66 this time.
1:04 You're supposed to write this game, create a project that gives you some steps on how to do it and create this game, use the random module
1:13 to basically come up with random numbers. If you really need some help, over in the Jumpstart course under apps 02
1:21 and here there's steps under you try and there's a final one, which basically is this working code,
1:26 but I thought it might be fun for you to write really simple game here and then check it into source control.
1:31 Okay, so this talks about how you put this into github up at the beginning we start out with some code from github here, things like that
1:41 or how you just simply create a local git repository. You actually don't check in anywhere, but it would work effectively the same you just can't push.
1:49 So you play around, write that code and you play around with source control here according to steps
1:54 and then later on, you get to play with the local history which may or may not have some of the same saves as you had in your source control,
2:02 but it'll probably have more depending on how you worked with the code. All right, so get out there and try that source control.

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