Effective PyCharm Transcripts
Chapter: Source control
Lecture: git flow and PRs

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0:01 One of the more advanced workflows in github or git in general but really github, is this thing called git flow.
0:10 So the idea is we're going to go and create an issue, we're going to create a branch, a feature branch for that issue,
0:17 we're going to do all our work in that feature branch, and then we're going to create a pull request
0:23 from that feature branch back to the target branch, master or q&a whatever we're going towards; wait until somebody approves that, merges that in
0:33 and then we'll close that corresponding issue. So here is a fake git flow, we've already created branch called Python-jumpstart-course-demos-29
0:45 because this corresponds to issue 29, not a great name but that's what it is, I definitely recommend putting the issue id as part of this.
0:52 So, we've created this and we've made some changes, we've checked it in there and then we can click on create a pull request
1:00 as part of that statement we can say this fixes issue 29, which then associates a link in github between this pull request and this branch
1:12 back to that particular issue it is supposed to fix, you can see there's no conflict, so we should be able to merge it—
1:18 we do, the pull request successfully merged and closed the pr, if we want, we could delete the branch or leave it, take your pick.
1:26 Then finally, we can go over and we can close the issue 29 that was associated with it, so that's really, really great.
1:35 You can see below, mikeckennedy referenced this issue 11 seconds ago, that's because I put hash 29 in the pr description.
1:42 This is a very common workflow, common in open source, it's common even within companies as a way to partition feature development within a team
1:52 so maybe somebody is working on a feature or a bug and then they issue a pr basically back to themselves or to their team members to keep going.
2:00 So let's see how this works in PyCharm.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon