Effective PyCharm Transcripts
Chapter: Source control
Lecture: Concept: Editor-level source control

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0:02 When we're in the editor, you can see a lot of cool features around basically the project structure and the editor itself.
0:10 So, on the left over here in the Wizard battle you can see we have a bunch of different colors
0:15 we have a new file which is green, it's created and basically staged in git so a git add but not in git commit, yet done on it
0:23 actors is just up to date, we have this red one that is not added and not tracked it's just an untracked file lying around
0:32 and then the blue one is the one we have open, this one has actually been changed so that's pretty cool,
0:37 you also see the colors up here in the various navigation bars and you see them in code, right there. Notice that this first line, the one on line 77
0:51 is like— I guess blue, I don't know what color is going to come out after all the video processing, but to me it's like a light blue
0:56 and that means that line is changed, it's not a new line whereas the 81 to 85, those are totally new lines.
1:06 So here is a new function whereas the one you've defeated all the creatures that actually changed a little bit, and we'll look into that next.
1:13 So if we zoom in on that section notice we can click here on this little segment, this little in the gutter to say here's something that's changed
1:23 and when we do, we get a diff, immediately there's a diff for the changed lines for the new lines there's nothing to say other than, hey this is new.
1:31 So look here in this first line, it has what is actually current in the source but it highlights two exclamation marks,
1:40 and then what's below where it says, "You defeated all the creatures, well done!" single exclamation mark, that's what the original was,
1:49 and I wanted to add some enthusiasm so I added two more exclamation marks and that's what the change in this particular line was
1:55 so you actually get a little inline diff which is really, really beautiful. Now, if we click in this section and this little toolbar thing
2:03 you can see we can navigate the diff with the up and down arrows, take me to the next change, the previous change.
2:09 If we click here, it will roll-back this change, so basically the top line will be replaced by the line in the red box because that's the original.
2:19 We can open up the diff window, here it is actually not needed but if this was a more significant change
2:25 or we wanted to look at the file as a whole— totally we could do that. Here we can actually copy the original
2:31 so maybe we want to leave the code as it is but we want to copy the original and play with it somehow, not just to a straight rollback.
2:38 I think this is an amazing feature, and you can avoid a lot of the actual source control diff merging type stuff
2:44 and just use this little gutter thing and just open it up right here and look at the code and how it has changed, as you're going through it.

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