Effective PyCharm Transcripts
Chapter: The Editor
Lecture: Lens mode

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0:01 When you're working with large Python files, sometimes it's nice to peek ahead and see what's out there,
0:07 what's at a certain level, maybe there's little error and you are like, wow what is down there
0:12 what is that little squiggly in the scroll bar giving you a warning about. So PyCharm has this thing called lens mode
0:18 and if you put the cursor right there, just near the scroll bar there and you go up and down slowly,
0:27 it'll actually pop up this little lens further down in the file so notice, look at the line numbers, it goes 3, 4, 5, up to 24,
0:34 and then straight to 70, and that's because that lens mode also has the line numbers in it and that's looking like a couple of screens down
0:44 like pretty much if you scrolled the scroll bar to where the yellow arrow is.
0:49 So be sure to make use of that if you're trying to like survey a large file and you are like what is this stuff down here
0:55 and you don't want to lose your place, you just kind of want to peek around— lens mode.

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