Effective PyCharm Transcripts
Chapter: Course setup
Lecture: Linux setup

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0:02 Let's get your Linux machine all set up and ready to go. We're going to need to do two things,
0:08 install Python or verify or update the version and install PyCharm. Over here on Python.org, you'll see that the latest version is 3.6.4
0:20 and as long you have 16.10 or higher you should have a pretty recent version, I think even 16.04 is pretty good.
0:30 So you come over here and see what version you have, we can say Python3- V we have 3.6.3
0:36 that's the latest you can get on this, I think this is 17.10, I'm sure that it is. So this is pretty much the latest we're going to get
0:44 even though over here we have a slightly later version, this is what ships and that's more than good enough for this course.
0:49 If for some reason you have an old version, I'd say anything 3.5 or higher is totally good, you could do a sudo apt update
0:58 and then see if there is something here for Python, so you see like Python 3 update options here, go ahead and do that,
1:08 obviously updating your system is a good thing but we should have Python stuff already set up and ready to go,
1:15 and Python 3 is what we're using for the course so you going to want to have that. Now, what about PyCharm—
1:22 let's go over here, there are two options for installing PyCharm, one option is we can come over here and we can go straight to the PyCharm page
1:29 and download it, this is one option and notice right away you're hit with a choice for
1:35 something we can either download the pro version or the community edition. Now, community edition is great for a lot of things
1:43 and much what you'll see will work there but many notable features will not exist, the database tooling,
1:48 the web tooling and a number of other ones are going to be missing, so I really recommend you get the professional edition for this course.
1:56 So that works pretty well, but let's try something a little bit slicker, if you're going to have more than one app from Jetbrains
2:04 like say WebStorm and PyCharm, you can subscribe to their entire set of tools, like 20 different applications,
2:11 you can get this thing called the Toolbox app even if you are just using PyCharm, you can use the Toolbox app
2:17 so go and download this and I just did a minute ago, so here it is. So we can go open this up and let's just put it somewhere and get it going,
2:25 so over here, let's make a folder bin and let's extract this thing into it. So we have this thing called Jetbrains Toolbox and let's go over here,
2:48 we need to make this executable, see it's green, not executable, so we want to change mood a + x and then once we do that, we can just run it,
3:04 this comes up and says you want to allow it to send us things like that and over here it says what do you want install,
3:11 let's install either PyCharm community, PyCharm professional or both,
3:14 we just hit this, it is going to go download it, install it, I'll give it a second to finish,
3:20 there you have it, PyCharm professional 2017.3.2 is installed and we can run it. So this thing should be ready to go
3:30 and notice over here once you work with some projects you'll have actually interesting history that you can just quickly go from.
3:38 One other thing to notice if you go to the settings here is we can have it automatically update itself and I am logged in as me,
3:46 so this will give me access to all my licenses so you'll have to go ahead and log in potentially the first time when you run this.
3:53 Okay, so that's all good, we can now run PyCharm and see what we get. There you go, it looks like it's opening this last project that I worked with,
4:03 not super exciting, it was just some random thing that I played with,
4:07 but here it is, right, this untitled thing that was in the recent projects history.
4:12 The last thing to note, under settings, this will automatically run that log in,
4:20 if we reboot, it should be back and keeping our PyCharm nice and up to date. So we already checked if we had the right version of Python
4:30 which comes with most modern Ubuntus, and we use the Toolbox app to install and manage PyCharm. Let's see if we can get to it— here it is, perfect,
4:40 you might even want to pin that to your favorites once you have it running.
4:49 Here it stays right there close and active for us, we can just get right back to it. This Linux machine is ready to take this course,
4:58 you don't need anything other than Python 3 and PyCharm, we got those two set up, we're ready to go.

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