Effective PyCharm Transcripts
Chapter: Why PyCharm and IDEs?
Lecture: Get the source code on github

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0:01 One final thing— drop over right now to github, at github.com/mikeckennedy/mastering-pycharm-course and star and fork this.
0:12 By the time you see this, it should have all the content from the course,
0:15 including some hands on exercises that you can try to help reinforce through learning.
0:20 We'll talk about those throughout the course, as we get to each chapter, but make sure that you go over here, star and fork this so that you have it,
0:27 to use as a resource and a reference for yourself, after the course is over. Alright, so you should have everything that I refer to,
0:35 or that I build for you during this course, right here, and I encourage you to practice along, when we get to the sections that are hands on.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon