Effective PyCharm Transcripts
Chapter: Why PyCharm and IDEs?
Lecture: Versions: Pro and community

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0:01 If we go over to the PyCharm website and we hit download you'll see there's a choice presented to us straight away—
0:07 do you want the Professional version which you have to pay for or do you want the 100% free and open source Community edition?
0:13 Well, we probably want the Community edition, but maybe there's stuff in the Professional we might want, how do we know?
0:21 It turns out, some of the things we cover in this course only exist in the Professional, for example,
0:26 that stuff about WebStorm and DataGroup that's in the Professional, but if we go over to this page here,
0:35 to jetbrains.com/pycharm/features/editions_comparison_matrix.html just google it, it'll come up, you can see it actually shows you what is in each,
0:47 so this column is the free one, the Community one, this one is the paid one. So free actually has a ton of stuff, it has all that cool editors
0:54 with the little fixer stuff I talked about, refactoring, that's the code inspection, source control, scientific tools, the debugger, all that is great,
1:02 but here's the WebStorm right, and the WebStorm stuff, the web development, the various Python frameworks,
1:08 now you can technically make Flask or Pyramid or Django work and run inside of there and you can edit in the Community edition,
1:16 you can edit the Python files, but you can't edit all the templates and stuff and it's not quite the same experience.
1:24 The Pro version is really what you need to do web development. They also have things like remote debugging capabilities,
1:30 the DataGrip stuff, here are the DataGrip stuff that I talked about and of course, here are all the various frameworks
1:37 that are supported only in the Pro edition, notice cool things like Cython, SQLAlchemy diagrams, or Docker,
1:43 there is Docker over the top, and of course the web stuff over here, Javascript debugger, CSS, and REST clients and so on,
1:52 but they do have some basic editing, the source control integration free, so you can decide whether it's useful for you to get the Pro version or not,
2:02 what we're going to use in this course is absolutely the Pro edition and I would say probably about 30% of the features
2:10 we're going to talk about are only available in the Pro edition and I'll try to remember to point those out as we go through them.

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