MongoDB for Developers with Python Transcripts
Chapter: Working with MongoDB directly from Python: PyMongo
Lecture: Mapping MongoDB's JavaScript API to PyMongo
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Now, when you go to and you look through the documentation so, you will find stuff about updates and inserts,
and queries and aggregation and so on, and so on; all of these are going to be in the Javascript api,
notice at the bottom of this web page here, db.collection.insertOne is new in version 3.2, so if you're trying to look up these operations
you will most likely find them in the Javascript style, and the Javascript api,
that's how MongoDB talks about it, you'll probably find them on Stack Overflow.
So, because that's the way the shell works, MongoDB is kind of standardized on here is how we're going to do our documentation in Javscript,
once again, yet another reason we spent so much time on the Javascript api, even though none of us are necessarily Javascript developers.
So, here we have the crud operations, now we have the query and projection operators and things like that,
so if you want to know how to map these over to PyMongo, then there's one page really that you need for most things,
and that's the collection documentation. So over here at
you can see right at the top, we've got all of the stuff you can do on the collection itself, so for example, we were passing one and minus one
as the sorting operators in the shell, here you could say pymongo.ascending, pymongo.descending,
a little bit more explicit, but this is a really good place to go because you'll find like the insert_one and the find_one and all the various ways
in which you need to adapt the documentation you find in Javascript over to the PyMongo api, this is probably the biggest bang for the buck right here.
Okay, so if you want to write an app, PyMongo could totally be your data access layer, it would completely solve the problem, it's really great,
it's what a lot of applications use to talk to MongoDB from Python. We're going to talk about some additional things going forward
but one of the bigger decisions you need to make is are you going to use an odm that maps classes to MongoDB,
with additional features as we'll see in a lot of interesting ways, or are you going to work down at the dictionary level,
it's very similar to say I'm going to work with say the DB api and sql strings, versus SQLAlchemy or Django orm or something like that, right.
So, you kind of got the low level way to talk to MongoDB, now, we're going to move on to talk about document design
and mapping higher level objects like classes with MongoEngine later In the course.